
Showing posts from December, 2017

How to share files to your PC and to your ANDROID or IOS - "wireless". #16

How to share files to your PC and to your ANDROID or IOS - "wireless" Very easy:- *First download "XENDER" App from Google play store *Then open it go to stteings *Then Click on connect to pc *And select Hotspot Method and proceed *Then in your pc open Web Browser *And enter the IP Address which the App gonna provide to you *Then type the IP Address in the URL and hit enter                                    Done!!!!!                                **Thanku**

How to Install packages and update your system using Terminal. #15

How to Install packages and update your system using Terminal   1.Firstly go to system settings   2.Then click network it will open like this 3.Then go to Network proxy and click on it it will gonna open like this 4.Then what i had typed here do the same and hit on Apply System wide it will gonna ask password 5.Then enter the password of your system and then close everything you have opened    6.Then open terminal type this command   7.Now do this what i had did and it will gonna open like this 8.In the place of username = type your id no which university had provided to you and in the place of password = type your password                                                    ** Thanku Guys **  

How to increase "BRIGHTNESS IN UBUNTU 16.04" using terminal. #14

How to increase "BRIGHTNESS IN UBUNTU 16.04" using terminal. Enter the Command to your terminal then decrease as much as ur eyes can see...